Phew! It has been days since I posted- sorry! I don;t have enough hours in my day!! I am sitting by the fire- we are finishing up our second cord of wood. For you pineys out there, you know that's a XXX-load of wood for one winter! I am so ready for spring. I stared at my daffodils coming up today, wishing they would bloom. I asked our local garden center where the pansies were. I am looking for robins. My son and I went on a leprechaun hunt in the woods today and found a snake tree that was guarding the hidden treasure. My son, explained to me that we should not stop our search because we were going to be rich! I will have to look some more tomorrow. No leprechauns though. Perhaps if I have a glass of wine or 2, they will be easier to see :)
My son (he's 6) is wheezing a bit with his cold/cough and had to have a nebulizer tonight. I asked my hubby to read to him while he had to sit with this nebulizer. I read to my daughter in her room but heard no reading in the other room. My son was still nebulizing, but my hubby was sleeping on him.....
Here is a face I painted the other night. My daughter said she liked it but not the colors. My kids are the best judges- they say it like it is. I used a new arty cake I got from Marcela's masks class.